Story Behind the Blends


Necessity leads to creativity

The inception of Maribella was my adverse reaction to commercial products that contain harsh chemicals. Any products that contain bleach trigger an instant headache. My skin felt stripped when the world changed and deep sanitizing became a prominent part of everyday life. (It turns out that my increasing aversion to chemicals and harsh products is shared by many others.)

I started by researching homemade alternatives to hand sanitizers and countertop sprays, creating my own recipes for beneficial essential oils in an alcohol base. Other household needs led to further research and experimentation. My curiosity and love for learning propelled me forward.

While acquiring knowledge about individual beneficial oils and how they work together, I decided there was nothing to lose in tackling a blend to help my rosacea that included skin blistering and perpetual rosiness. To my surprise and delight, the work paid off ! What has now evolved into “Dew Renew” calms my skin and has helped others with skin healing. Being careful to cover the empirical bases, I have combined my analytical skills with cooperative testing by friends and family to create approachable, targeted handmade products to share with others. Many products are a result of customer requests—a solution to a problem. I hope to continue expanding a menu of self care, and invite you on this journey with me. ~ Mary Boyle

P.S. The name: Bella means beautiful and is also the name of one of my kitties. Mary + Bella = Maribella, plus it rolls off the tongue, don’t you think?

Coursework / Studies

“Essential Gels & Serums”, Tisserand Institute (Certificate December 2021)

“Essential Oil Kinetics Masterclass: From Application To Effect”, Tisserand Institute (Certificate March 2021)

“Emulsifiers & Preservatives in Botanical Skin Care Products Intensive”, The Herbal Academy (November 2020)

“Properties & Research”, Tisserand Institute

“How Essential Oils Work in the Body”, Tisserand Institute

Hundreds of hours of research across a broad range of resources including published research papers studying the efficacy and delivery methods of essential oils and their constituents.

Please note: The products and information on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Self-care suggestions are not a substitute for professional medical care. Do not disregard or delay getting professional medical advice as a result of the ideas or experiences presented here.